Lucy Yifan Yu


wandering, wondering…


At Chihuly Glass Garden, my happy place ♡ / Photo by Hannah Ng


Hello there!

My name is Lucy Yifan Yu. I am a Chinese-born Canadian designer currently based in the beautiful PNW. I’m a big animal lover and care deeply about sustainability.

During my university days in Pittsburgh, I also had the privilege to study abroad in England, Spain, and Switzerland and later intern at companies in China and Japan. My globetrotter background shaped me to become a firm believer in the beauty of diversity, instilling in me a deep passion to foster understanding and meaningful connections among differences.

I believe that design is many things—a powerful tool, a lifestyle—but above all, design is a touch of magic that delights everything we see, smell, hear, taste, touch, and feel.

Here’s an idea of what it’s like to work with me!


A bit of a side quest…
Were you maybe wondering about my logo?


What is this?

I made this logo based on a visual play on the character representing my surname in Chinese (余), pronounced “yú” in Mandarin.


Lucy Yifan Yu 2024 ©